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virtual set studio tv 14

PNG + JPG  (for Final Cut, Premiere Pro, After Effects, etc)
Photoshop version (.psd)
TriCaster VSE (.psd)
vMix versions (for vMix)
All supplied at either HD (1920 x 1080) or 4K (4520 x 2540) resolution (choose your preference above).
All files are zipped (.zip)
virtual set studio tv 14 Complete multi-angle 7 angle camera Compatible with TriCaster VSE, vMix and most graphics and editing 
Photoshop version :
You get a complete Photoshop multi-layered file to change color,Replace lcd screen as you want (.psd) with everything in the correct order and uniquely named.

TriCaster® users can import this Photoshop file into NewTek’s Virtual Set Editor(.psd 16 Bits/Channel). Each group appears as a separate camera angle within VSE. (you can change the colour to suit your own branding).

You get every single layer from the Photoshop version supplied as a separate .png image in lossless PNG-24 format. These PNG images have transparency built in, and are compatible with most graphics and editing software (Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects etc).

vMix versions :
Ready-made vMix versions - each in a separate folder that you can simply copy into your vMix 'Virtual Sets' location.
To add a virtual set go to Add Input and choose virtual sets. Click Browse and navigate to the folder containing the virtual set and angle you'd like to load and click OK. You will see the folder selected next to the Browse button, next click OK. If you don't already have a virtual set 
virtual set studio tv 14


virtual set studio tv 14

virtual set studio tv for green screen Tricaste vmix after effects
