Profilo di Abdulrahim Aref

Legal brochures for IOM

The UN Migration Agency (IOM) opened its first office in Turkey in 1991, following the aftermath of the first Gulf War. IOM’s partnership with the Republic of Turkey was formalized in November 2014 when Turkey was granted member status to IOM. IOM has been running emergency response programs which have since expanded in response to ongoing regional conflicts and crises, notably the 2011 Syrian Crisis and the 2015 Mediterranean Crisis. With over 25 years operational experience in Turkey, the mission is now one of the largest globally with over 500 staff in 15 different locations across the country, with the main office in Ankara, and sub-offices in Istanbul and Gaziantep.

What are these brochures for?
As a refugee living in a new country, it is always important to be aware of the local legal framework. This is important not only for your integration into society, but also to be aware of the services and rights available to you. IOM Turkey has prepared this set of brochures with legal information about six key topics designed to inform you of your rights, obligations and the legal system in Turkey. These brochures are prepared on Family Law, Housing, Land & Property, Work Permits, Residence Permits, Registration & Legal Status and Turkish Citizenship.

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Legal brochures for IOM


Legal brochures for IOM

A set of legal brochures for the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
