The comic based on the novel "With Fire and Sword" - writer Henryk Sienkiewicz.
The story of this novel takes place in the 17th century and is based on authentic historical events related to the Cossack uprising in Ukraine, which broke out in 1648. The novel begins a year earlier during the winter and ends in 1649, although the epilogue dates back to the events of 1651. The book begins with a story taking place in Dziki Polych, where Jan Skrzetuski, the governor of Prince Jeremy Wiśniowiecki, returning from Crimea, saves his life and then releases a Cossack colonel, who later turns out to be Bohdan Chmielnicki himself - the leader of enemy troops. On the way to Wiśniowiecki, Skrzetuski meets his later friends in the inn - Zagłoba and Podbipiętą, with whom he will later fight and from whom he will often receive help.

In 1999, the novel by Fire and Sword was screened - a feature film and television series directed by Jerzy Hoffman. (Asian page layout, comic strip in progress.)
Fire and Sword

Fire and Sword
