A bunch of projects I've worked over the last couple of years.
Mascot for Academia Tica (http://www.academiatica.com)
Mascot for Erika Mora (http://www.ekamora.com/)
Growback Foundation, a non-profit that buys properties and leaves them alone so nature can grow back as it pleases.
Logo for Le Gouter
We used to paint the trunks of trees white with my dad. This is just a small thing to make me remember it.
Black Party
Icons for Le Gouter
Logo for a company I worked with a couple of years ago
Icon for Ligia Olvera
I made this for a little kid named Piero, my friend's son.
Tool pattern for Ligia Olvera
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This is an example of some of the projects I've worked over the last couple of years and that I like the most. This include commercial, personal Daha Fazla Bilgi

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