"Sempre Teua"
Generalitat Valenciana

An Institutional campaign of the Generalitat Valenciana for the valencian language. We remind people that they have an special and unique language for all valencians and we need to remember how special and unique it is.
Love is unconditional. It does not depend of any situation and time, no matter how screwed up it may be, capable of putting up with everything, forgiving everything ... And that is how our language is, the language of EVERYONE: it has forged us to become who we are, to be where we want to be. It has never turned his back on us,  It has never let us down. With the “Semper Teua” we approach her with a smile of joy and serenity,
knowing that this, our language, WILL ALWAYS BE ON OUR SIDE.
To promotion the language: we use the words.

Short and precise texts loaded with meaning and intentions that invite reflection to who reads them.
We use all the available support so that the words take center stage, because the power of the words suggests a parenthesis in our thoughts

Agency - The Serious
Influences ad 
Teaser format Campaign
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