Maticas Mágicas / Magic Plants ~**~ _.:' ._ ~**~

According to Levi-Strauss, “the symmetry postulated between nature and culture involves the assimilation of natural species on the cultural plane.” Occidental cultures have endeavoured to alienate nature from human lives and most commonly they have achieved it. Magic Plants is a series of personal projects that explore different believes and relations of natural species on our cultural plane.

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Lunatic: Insane person. Lunatic originated from the Latin root “lunaticus” meaning "of the moon" or "moonstruck". The origins of this expression comes from the healers who believed that the phases of the moon affected the mental faculties of the human being.
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Throughout history, cultures have given different meanings to flowers and plants as well as granted special powers and properties such as good and bad luck, healing powers, esoteric powers, etc. Colombia is a country with a lot of traditions reinforced by healers, midwives and people in general who keep alive expressions from the past known as "popular beliefs," legacy of ancestors. As a personal project I drew and embroidered a collection of cushions/charms inspired by popular beliefs of plants in Colombia. 
Magic Plants

Magic Plants
