Profil appartenant à Lee Iley

Lee Iley Product Identity and Packaging

Having started my own line of Handkerchiefs and scarves, I need a refresh of my current logo and monogram to reflect a luxury product brand as opposed to a graphic designer brand.


I used and adapted Futura for the main word logo. Changing some of the characters so that the actual logo became proprietary rather than just a font or typeface. Keeping within the boundaries of the self-imposed brief, the logo remained simple, clean and modern.

My name is a tricky one which is actually pronounced LEE-EYE-LEE, and I'm often mistaken for being Asian until people meet me, always referring to me as Mr. Lee. Having always had a deep fascination with Asian Culture, I wanted to create a Marque that was contemporary but also had a nod to the East and being a little humorous with always being called Mr Lee!

The marque was created with the idea of LEE-EYE-LEE being somewhat mirrored. Thus all the characters in my name, LEE ILEY have been used once, with some being reversed.


The brief was to create a program that had an upscale upscaled utilitarian look. Understated and minimal, the packaging had to be secondary to the product, letting the designs inside shine and not be overpowered by the branding outside. This was extended into interior garment prints, boxes, collection information inserts and secondary packaging.


Keeping the utilitarian look and feel, social media images and branding supported the upscale, yet understated concept through to all aspects of online presence. The ultimate goal is to establish a brand recognition by only using the symbol and thus eliminating the word mark all-together, pushing the brand and identity to be minimized and minimalized further.

Justified Left final logo. A stacked version was also created.
Word logo utilizing Futura as a basis
The marque made up with the seven characters of my name.
Boxes, bags and hangtags allows \for a self-purchase item or gifting option.
Every item comes with inserts explaining the origins of each collection.
Social media images and layouts with the stand-alone symbol and tag-line on the left
Web Hero images indicating each collection.
Ultimately the symbol will become recognizable and the brand name minimized further.


Lee Iley Product Identity and Packaging
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Lee Iley Product Identity and Packaging

Packaging and Identity for a line of Handkerchiefs and Scarves. Logo and marque based on the designers name.

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