Profil użytkownika „Matthew Jensen”

EVOKE Entrepreneurship Game

Developed on behalf of the World Bank, EVOKE was a collaborative effort between the Baxters and esteemed gamestress Jane McGonigal. In what is lovingly titled “a crash course in changing the world,” the game empowered young people all over the world, and especially in Africa, to solve urgent social problems like hunger, poverty, disease, and human rights. EVOKE educated players online, inspired real-world action, and provided a platform to share blog posts, photos and videos of world-changing actions. Natron Baxter Applied Gaming designed and developed the EVOKE platform, built the game engine, and brought to life the astounding work of McGonigal, Kiyash Monsef, and illustrator Jacob Glaser.
After launching at TED 2010 during McGonigal’s “Games Will Change the World” talk, the game experienced incredible popularity, with players from nearly 200 countries and territories contributing 30,000 pieces of original content during the game’s ten-week run. The game’s legacy lives on in ~50 award-winning, EVOKE-inspired start-ups. 
EVOKE Entrepreneurship Game

EVOKE Entrepreneurship Game

Developed on behalf of the World Bank, EVOKE was a collaborative effort between the Baxters and esteemed gamestress Jane McGonigal. In what is lo Rozwiń
