36 Days of Type is a project that invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to express their particular view on letters and numbers of our alphabet.

For this challenge, I decided to pick PIXAR movie characters as the theme.  
A for Alien. Toy Story
B for Buzz Lightyear. Toy Story
C for Carrie Williams. Monsters University.
D for Dante. Coco.
E for Eva. Wall-E.
F for Fear. Inside Out.
G for Gill. Finding Nemo.
H for Henry J. Waternoose. Monsters University.
I for Imera Riveda. Coco.
J for Jack Jack. The Incredibles.
K for Kevin. Up.
L for Linguini. Ratatouille.
M for Mater. Cars.
N for Nemo. Finding Nemo.
O for Oman Harris. Monsters University.
P for Professor Knight. Monsters University.
Q for The Queen. A bug's life.
R for Russell. Up.
S for The Sadness. Inside Out.
T for Terry and Terri Perry. Monsters University.
U for Underminer. The Incredible 2.
V for Violet Steslicki. Monsters University.
W for Wall-E. Wall-E.
X (couldn't find a Pixar character starting from X) Squirt. Finding Nemo.
Y for Yeti, Abominable Snowman. Monsters Inc.
Z for Zurg. Toy Story 2.
0 - Mr. Potato Head. Toy Story.
1 - Sheriff Woody. Toy Story.
2 - Hank. Finding Dory.
3 - Sheldon. Finding Nemo.
4 - Arlo. The Good Dinosaur.
5 - Randall. Monsters Inc.
6 - Mike Wazowski. Monsters Inc.
7 - Frozone. The Incredibles.
8 - Lenny the Binocular. Toy Story.
9 - Merida. Brave.
36 days of type - Pixar
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36 days of type - Pixar

36 Days of Type is a project that invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to express their particular view on letters and numbers of Daha Fazla Bilgi

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