Client: Intuit
Product: TurboTax
Creative Director: Mauro Alencar
Associate Creative Director: Marcus Park, Russell Bongard
Art Director: Marcus Park, Russell Bongard
Copywriter: Marcus Park, Russell Bongard
Director: Rick Kosick

A month before the tax deadline our client called and asked for "something viral". The brief had one word—easy. Russell and I knocked around a few ideas before becoming distracted by an amazing beer pong video. Adding beer pong to taxes seemed like a logical step, so we set about finding the original creator. Fortunately we recognized this genius as non-other that Sir Billy Marks. A few phone calls later he agreed to do a reshoot and we were on the next plane to the glamourous Inland Empire. As you can see, TurboTax are still using it as their featured video on YouTube, and so far 666,334 people have viewed.

Billy's Balls

Billy's Balls

A viral video for Turbo Tax

