Dinner Time: New Restaurant Interior Design

Dinner Time: New Restaurant Interior Design

This book features sixty international projects that showcase the latest trends in restaurant interior design. Some of the projects reproduce an industrial look, some incorporate landscape elements within an interior space, and some make use of bold color schemes, but together they reveal the limitless possibilities offered in this field of interior design. This highly visual publication focuses on color schemes, lighting, and decorative details, and it provides valuable inspiration and guidance to students, professional interior designers, architects, and people in the restaurant business.


Size: 210 mm × 285 mm
Page Count: 240 pages
Hardcover, English
ISBN: 9789887947493 (Sandu), Click the ISBN to purchase
ISBN: 9788417084110 (Flamant), Click the ISBN to purchase

Publisher: Sandu Publishing Co., Ltd.
Chief Editor: Wang Shaoqiang
Executive Editor: Krystle Zhang
Design Director: Wang Shaoqiang
Designer: Wu Yanting
Cover Design: Wu Yanting
Cover photos by Infinity Mind

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Dinner Time: New Restaurant Interior Design

Dinner Time: New Restaurant Interior Design
