Profil appartenant à Banned In Allston Industries

The Films of Roman Polanski: Chinatown

The Films of Roman Polanski: Chinatown
2003, 2006. 5.5" x 6", Four-Color Print
The first in a series of DVD covers originally created as a student project in 2003, then updated in 2006 with revamped front covers and new materials.
The objective was to create a series of sleek DVD covers based on three films by the same director (in my case, Roman Polanski), made primarily from recycled materials (such as recycled cardstock or chipboard, with naturally-produced inks) as an attempt to move away from the plastic snapcases, which not only take up more space on shelves, but also in landfills.

The images on the exterior cover were created in Photoshop 7 and Illustrator 10, then imported into Quark XPress (just to give you an idea of how long ago this was!), where the type was flowed into the layout. The interiors were vector images created exclusively in Illustrator, then dropped into Quark. The titles on the spines of the cases also provide a fun sense of distinction between each film, while the "Films of Roman Polanski" logo ties them together as a series.

These new comps from 2006 were printed using the original images laid out on a brand new dieline exclusively in Illustrator CS, and some new font choices for the film titles.
The Films of Roman Polanski: Chinatown
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The Films of Roman Polanski: Chinatown

An unconventional DVD cover idea for a proposed series of films by Roman Polanski.

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