Robbe Nees's profile


Hot Air Bloon
This is a logo pattern for a company that oganizes hot air balloon trips. I choose to make a hot air balloon, directly communicating what the company is all about. when you take a better look, you will notice that the balloon is actually composed from the letters H, A and B, the inicaials of the brandname. I decided to choose for empty and playful shapes instead of filled shapes, making it it feel light and breezy, what suits the company very well.
Flowing Fingerprints

This is a metaphor that I created for a company in the healthcare sector. It symbolizes the internal policy about leadership.

As evryone in a team is unique, everyone has their own view on things. This is a great advantage of multidiciplinairy teams and thus can't be undermined. 
That is why they are represented by fingerprints, all unique, in an organic formation with thoughts and actions.
Still they are all connected to this one leader that stears everyone in the right direction.

The colors are already in the corporate identity of the company. I made it a gradient to make them flow more throug the graphic. They are responsible to gluw the fingerprints together and make them dynanic like a team.
How 2 veggie
A friend of mine started eating vegetarian (and also mostly vegan) some time ago. She loved all the new recepes and flavours she discovered and wanted a way to share all that goodness. She decided to start a foodblog called How2Veggie. 

She still needed a logo so then I came in. I combined the 2 with the V so it got some more interesting flow to it. The whole word Veggie also looks like a carrot and I added a texture to it's borders to give it a more organic feel. 
The extra lines make it all feel a little more dynamic and playful, but they can also be seen as decoration lines of sauce on a plate. 
Week van het afval
For a healthcare company I designed a logo / visual element to use during their 'week of waste'. Week of waste is a campaign to raise awareness about proper sorting of waste and safe waste processing.

I got inspired by 'garbage art' and created the word waste out of frequent waste items that I illustrated myself.
My Avatar
At my first internship, everyone had their own avatar, formally dressed like this. My first fun task was creating my own avatar. Based on the photo we took together I started drawing. I made a few of the avatars of other starters too.
PS: I didn't actually wore that shirt and tie, I just had the cardigan and photoshoped the shirt and tie in. 