Profil appartenant à Arturo Jimenez

Cal State Fullerton Career Guide

The Cal State Fullerton Career Guide is full of useful information on everything from résumé building to interview etiquette. I designed and edited the entire 6th edition of the career guide, which consists of a front and back cover and 80 pages worth of content. I was in charge of placing ads/ photos and formatting, proofreading, and transcribing the body copy. The Career Guide had an initial run of 55,000 copies to be distributed over 2 years. I, along with the IT specialist, also created a digital version of this career guide, accessible through any mobile device. Published in August of 2012.
Cal State Fullerton Career Guide
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Cal State Fullerton Career Guide

The Cal State Fullerton Career Guide is full of useful information on everything from résumé building to interview etiquette. I designed and edit Lire la suite

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