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Merchandise design for the City Library in Łódź

Książkę Miau (polish: książkę - book, miau - meow) - merchandise and graphic design for the City Library in Łódź, Poland. 

The idea focuses on the wordplay between "miał" (polish: had) and miau (polish: meow - cat's sound). Created catchphrase can be an added value for the company. Quotes and wordplay are very popular and can increase user engagement across social media platforms. Książkę Miau could inspire related hashtags or memes, creating a movement around the brand. #ksiazkemiau #ebookamiau #audiomiau #biletmiau etc.

Project was made as part of the competition. Check out the winning project here.​​​​​​​
Merchandise design for the City Library in Łódź

Merchandise design for the City Library in Łódź

Merchandise and graphic design for the City Library in Łódź, Poland. 
