Perfil de Central Academy Jodhpur

Educational visit to Science Park at Central Academy Pa

Educational visit to Science Park at Central Academy Pal.

‘A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.’ 
- Lao Tzu
The world of science is a mystery in itself. The more one tries to express, the more threads it offers to unravel, which makes it an interesting topic for the students to study and discover. Keeping this in mind, on a partly sunny Wednesday morning, when the rain didn’t play a spoilsport, the students of grade 6 of Central Academy Pal were taken on an educational visit to Science Park, on August 28, 2019. Science Park didn’t fail to awe the students with it's upgraded and updated information on science and evolution.

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Educational visit to Science Park at Central Academy Pa
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Educational visit to Science Park at Central Academy Pa

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