Páramo Savers
Identity & promotional material
Páramo Savers is a project initiated through Cisv, an international Peace Education organization spanning the globe with a vast network of volunteers, educational programmes & projects.

One such project led to the creation of Páramo Savers, a project to raise awareness, understanding and positive action towards the Chingaza Moors in the outskirts of Bogotá, Colombia. These Moors provide over 80% of the water supply for the 8 million inhabitants of Bogotá.

As this region was once inhabited by the Muisca indians, their pictogram for water, the spiral, was adapted into the logo as a homage to the region's history and it's former inhabitants' respect for nature. The spiral was made from dirt, roots & materials found on the ground, linking water & earth, as well as highlighting the frailty of this ecosystem. The almost cyan blue relates to water, the grey-blue background to the colors of the
frailejón, a native species representative of the moor's landscape, and a black-green for the lettering, as a nod to the rich earth in the Chingaza Moors.

páramo savers

páramo savers

Identity and promotional photographic material for Páramo Savers.
