Three different environments will be designed for an original television series pilot episode that can be presented to any of the following streaming platforms: Netflix, HBO and Amazon. The tone and style of the proposed series must conform to the guidelines, principles, humor, and other characteristics that distinguish each of the platforms.

The proposals must correspond to 3 different places that are present in the pilot's argument, may be related to each other but represent different scales.

Design by:
Omar Pérez Mejía

● 1 environmental space design (Square, panoramic, establishment, etc.) 
● 1 interior design (Building lobby, atrium, etc.) 1 design of a room (Office, bedroom, bathroom, etc.)

It is a new golden era for television series and digital platforms have begun to produce their own content that compete for the traditional television market. The paradigm has changed. The producers demand new and fresh ideas for content that satisfies the public with captivating stories and worlds.

Present Memories

Project Made For

Present Memories

Concept Design Tv Serie for HBO & Netflix
