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Rejected bestsellers La Lettura-Corriere della Sera

Rejected bestsellers
Data visualization for La Lettura - Corriere della Sera

If you want to know how good a bestseller is, go and look up for how many times it was rejected. 

Or you can look at my dataviz here 😜

The visualization shows 26 famous bestsellers that were rejected before being published. They're organized in a sunburst by year of publication.
The most rejected book (60 rejections!!!) is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
Original version published in Italian
Source: Wikipedia, Litrejections, Bookstr
Published on La Lettura #405 on September 1st, 2019
A project by Sofia Chiarini
Rejected bestsellers La Lettura-Corriere della Sera

Rejected bestsellers La Lettura-Corriere della Sera
