Chris Ware is an American artist and writer whose comics explore themes of social isolation, emotional distress, and depression. He describes his cartoon as "working-class art form" and "Art for peoples." He has a strong sense of how the mind edits to draw different faces with simple dots express simplification is a way to universalize emotions and experiences. His naivete is an aesthetic strategy, his empathy, and commonality a political inevitability.
While some of his precise geometric layouts may seem computer-generated, but Ware uses almost exclusively manual drawing tools, such as paper and blue ink, rulers and T-squares to draw his stories. However, he did use photocopies and transparencies, and he hired a computer to color his strips. 

His content is a myriad of symbols and icons, with uses time continuity to exchange text and images to form images. He manages to balance the demands of art very deftly, where sentimentality is a mistake, in storytelling where emotion expressed all in his works.
Loss is the theme of this work. These characters suffer in terms of emotionally, relationships, romantically, financially, loss of limb, and in terms of weight.
Ware's Building story is a set of 14 printed works in various formats bound books, newspapers, pamphlets, and leaf-flipping which could read in any order. The artist's hand-painted complex works show space and time in surprising ways, including pages with no text at all, radical changes in scale, and people, places, and events viewed from multiple angles. It describes the stories around an unnamed woman. The book could read in any order. 

The organizing principle of "Building Story" is architecture. Sanitary Ware uses places and events as architectural diagrams. He made sure of every detail of these rooms and tended to unfold their furniture diagonally to show how they fit together.  Every visual observation of the body or nature is adjusted to the level of symbols, presented in a minimum number of hard, perfectly uniform, perfectly straight lines or curves. Elaborately designed micro-panels collude with outdated or character thought patterns to explode out of scene components.

Ware allows its readers to follow the rough path that memory takes when building and rebuilding stories. Each element addressed the details of the building and depicted the anxious moments its residents encounter in their lives over time.

In ware stories, it leads the audience to self-reflexivity in the book it allows the audience to rethink the challenges we meet in our life to have a resonance with the characters in the book, leading people to overcome the challenge.
According to Ware's work, I have inspired my idea of map construction, based on using A3 paper to makes a magazine-style, using "The mix of histories on a block of The city mentioned above" in brief, I decided to use UTS businesses building as my main focuses building of interest, deconstructed its construction and structure, and arranged unexpected protagonists to develop stories around them on each floor. Among them: loneliness, challenge, communication, and time is planning to become the story theme.
Practice sketch: Landscape, figure, people, building, trees
Before the designed my map, we held a workshop to attract the city - framework. Addressed the techniques and examples of the frame could be, with practice the drawing method on the goods line, such as trees, buildings, and peoples.
Redesigned level 4 map: leading line, foot track follow in a day in UTS, Use circle to show (red to mark).
Use illustrator to drawing the map, digital paint as well. 
Ware's example:
While in the image, we can see a circle pattern with steps gradually rising into the room of the hostess, leading the audience to focus on the next step as a leading line. To consider it as an example, I used the circle as the leading line to show the activity tracking of each character in the school in a day.
Practice with: color pencil, crayon, watercolor pen
We often see the clock symbol in the story of Ware to indicate the passage of time and define what our protagonists are doing in this period. In similar, I also added the clock as an indicator to record the beginning of a day or event start to the end of the event for the protagonists. Moreover, the timing of each event echoes each other. I also use the clock as a leading line recorder. The red hair boy fatigue made him miss the submission time of the exam. The clock arranged one by one passing through time to lead the audience's eyes downward, and the light on downstairs indicated the arrival of night.
Wares Example:
One of the story "Did not submit on time?" this based on a red-haired boy who stayed up overnight until next day afternoon 3 p.m. because he was too tired to catch up with his homework, he filed to sleep and missed the to submit on time. I used leading line, symbol, and compartment anime to represent this story. I used the computer as the symbol of this protagonist, and enlarged the object with a circle just like Ware to indicate amplification. In this story, the little boy meets challenges. As for how to adjust his work schedule and vigilance, I want to express through this story that challenges appear in everywhere in life, from handing in homework on time to work and life. As long as we renew our spirits and face them, it will overcome them.
Compare with the outline of the computer and the nail polish 
Similarly, I also used the three-dimensional architectural perspective effect to divide the area for each protagonist, and used the diagonal to make the room in the same horizontal plane.
Compare to Ware's work:
The time echoed with each other in the story such in "Birthday" the event starts from 12 a.m. to 3 p.m., connect to the "Did not submit on time?" starts from 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. and also the starting time with "Hurry up" and "Communication" is both 9.a.m. 
The four characters both did not have a name and conversations. Their emotions are encouraged with symbols. Due to the style of wares works, was using bright colors to represent the story. I decide to choose a color pencil to colored in my story. 

The story "Birthday" tells the story of a blue-haired girl who celebrates her birthday alone from midnight to 3 p.m. the next day. From the drawing, we can see that no one showed up at 3 p.m. The stories represented loneliness. I also used a circle and a rectangle, close and medium shots to magnify the blow out with the candle.
In this story, "Hurry up" describes a story of a girl is late for class because frustrated, as well as "communication", these two stories are shown relatively obscure, we can see that the girl in the because failed to catch up with the class time and kneel on the stairs, mutual echo is girl lost in the sat at the door, and she inclined at the top of the stairs and mutual echo, because the building is used to render the three-dimensional perspective style, so the yellow rectangle represented as the light.

  "Communication" is a story about two friends talking always stays tougher telling about the same topic all the time. Through these four stories, the small things and life of contemporary college students exhibited. The stories based on real stories hope that through this story, audiences can look at the small things in life with a good mood of discovery, renewed their perspectives about the world echo with the storyline to the everyday things that we meet and record the sober life composed of different small things in this city.
Final work:
Reference List:

Ware C. 1967, Building stories, Comic books, Pantheon Books, New York.

Ware C.  2000, Jimmy Corrigan : the smartest kid on earth, Children's stories, Pantheon Books, New York.
Chris Ware

Chris Ware

