Gig Poster
For this assignment, we were told to write down random words and branch off of them to come up with a completely random band name and make a gig poster for them.
This was another project where I was so far into an idea and it just wasn't working, so I had to start over and finish within the deadline. 
I did not like where this was going. I was trying to make it wild and hipster, but couldn't figure out where to go next.
Did some more studying on the shape of the nose and eyes
Then I came along this drawing I had in my sketchbook. I don't usually draw this sort of thing but looking back at it, it gave me the idea of  my favorite bands. A lot of the albums are abstract and don't have anything to do with the band name. So I went for it.
Now I got to have some fun, and tried to play around with some abstract and geometric shapes to deiced on a color scheme. 
I liked the colors, but the background was just too busy. Thinking back to my layout designs, I learned from years of yearbook. I remembered I didn't need to show the whole image to get the point across. 
I felt it gave the woman an open story by just keeping it simple. The Band name came from a band name I gave myself on the game RockBand! So if you need a drummer or guitarist for your Xbox Rockband, hit me up. 
Gig Poster

Gig Poster

