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Food Hub Covers, Issue n°3 & n°4

Food Hub Covers, Issue n°3 & n°4, 2019

 Food Hub is a unique italian magazine that talks about innovation in the agri-food field. In this project I'll show you the two covers I made for the latest two issues.
● The style I used is deeply graphic, this allowed me to represent scientific issues in a creative way without the dimishing of their importance.

Issue n°3
● The first cover represented the theme of the alternatives to animal proteins. We spoke about meat produced with alternative methods, from farming to sustainable alternatives.
● After a first research,the final choice was to represent a floating hamburger containing different kinds of meat that we would've discussed in the issue.

Issue n°4
● The theme represented in the second issue is about the new technologies for the food treatment. We spoke about how the new technologies can treat food to make it healtier for consumer.
● I decided to represent this content with a mysterious machine (which represents various new tools in a general way) that embraces the apples that come to be treated.

Food Hub Covers, Issue n°3 & n°4


Food Hub Covers, Issue n°3 & n°4

I made these covers for Food Hub Magazine, a quarterly magazine specializing in new technologies in the agri-food sector.
