Dreamcatcher Illustration Book
The Dreamcatcher filters out the bad dreams and allows only good thoughts to enter into our minds when we are asleep. A small hope in the center of the dreamcatcher is where the good dreams come through. With the first rays of sunlight, the bad dreams will perish. With the last rays of sunlight, the bad dreams will perish.  The good dreams will stay forever. and that, it comes with a price.  

Illustrations I did for Dreamcatcher Illustration Book.

Dreamcatcher Animation

Youtube link of Dreamcatcher Animation (https://youtu.be/e2xv3zEo0DE)

Dreamcatcher is a collaborative work between my fellow friends. My responsibilities are designing background assets and compositing it together with my fellow artist, Arianne Sapalaran. I was also responsible for the clean-ups for the animation.


Dreamcatcher is a collaborative work between Andanar Madel, Sapalaran Arianne Mae, and Garcia Joyce, and Jadiel Ureta (Dreamcatcher Animation c. 閱讀更多
