"Unspoken Word" (不言而喻的字)
// BLURB //
Abstract. Grotesque? Authentic?? Destruction! Silly!? Or just…Zen. These are just a few examples of semantic labels which are used for everything we can see, hear, touch or smell. And we are so used to expressing ourselves with labels that we forget abstract qualities of life. Although most abstractionists were used to giving names to their creations, some more prominent ones such as Clyfford Still or Wassily Kandinsky were opposed to it. On the other hand, if you've ever surveyed abstract artworks of far east calligraphy master Inoue Yūichi or modernists such as Robert Motherwell or Pierre Soulages, you may certainly discover one word that defines their work - taste. And in order to develop an eloquent taste one must follow a continuous process of edification. Day and night. Every moment, every second. Every brush stroke and each drip of paint spilled on canvas must be a full yet momentary expression of it. Hence, what we really see is only the tip of an ice-berg drowning in a sea of man-made labels.
SOLD. Private collection, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Unique Edition, Shanghai 2018
Acrylic painting and Chinese ink on canvas, teakwood frame
105.8(W)×95.8(H)×6.55(D) cm // 8.16 kg (framed)
117(W)×107(H)×15(D) cm // 21.5 kg
• “The Geometry Of Binary Life” at island6 Shanghai Main Space
Owen 欧文 (painting) • Thomas Charvériat (art direction) • Yeung Sin Ching 杨倩菁 (production supervisor) • Irmantas Bortnikas (documentation & blurb)
Unspoken Word
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Unspoken Word

For some reason, I was chosen. Randomly selected for some form of public expression, a voice for the outraged, or bored, or both. I am a canvas f Ver mais

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