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Know more about Asperger Syndrome

What is Asperger syndrome?
Also, known as Asperger's disorder, Asperger Syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects the child's ability to socialize and communicate with others. Now, it is diagnosed under the term
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The child will be smart as others but he likely
to have trouble in social skills. Any Pediatric neurological treatments in Dubai can provide quality treatment for children with Asperger syndrome.
Kids may seem to show indications of Asperger's disorder at an early age. These includes:
ü  Repetitive behavior
ü  Restricted interests
ü  Difficulty with large social settings
ü  Problems with coordination
ü  Communication problems
ü  Distinctive strengths
ü  Difficulties with intimacy
Research says that kids who are diagnosed to have Asperger's Syndrome have better than average intelligence and an exceptional talent for learning facts and figures. One reason behind this is because they have bigger cerebrums than normal, which grows fast during childhood. 
 Every child has a different range of symptoms so a particular treatment cannot help the child. However, the treatments for Asperger syndrome are:
Speech therapy: This improves your child's communication skills. He will learn how to go through a normal pitch up-and-down pattern when he talks instead of a flat tone. He'll additionally get lessons on the best way to keep up a two-way discussion and understand meaningful gestures like hand signals and eye to eye contact.
Behavioral therapy: It enables your kid to change his perspective, so he can control his feelings and dull practices.
Parent education: You will learn a significant number of similar methods your kid is taught so you can work on social aptitudes with him at home.
Autism treatment in Dubai
Neurokids, with the innovative treatment, has tailored treatment for the affected kids. Being one of the top Autism Doctor in Dubai, Dr. Aman PS Sohal has U.K board certification as Consultant Pediatric Neurologist. You can always find a good Child neurologist in Dubai at Neurokids for any of the neurological disorders of your children.
Know more about Asperger Syndrome

Know more about Asperger Syndrome

know more about Asperger syndrome and neurological disorders in children


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