Designing an object with an assigned emotion, this object must be made with food and must tell the concept that must be developed, after understanding the assigned emotion.

The emotion assigned in this case was the Respect.
The respect was understood as understanding and accepting existing differences, being something that seems very easy to realize but is more complex than it seems.
The Moodboard has the main objective of transmit the idea of achieving a balance of flavors, however it also deepened more in what is really respect and how it could reflect the “Complexity in simplicity” using simple geometric shapes to create more complex structures.
Complexity in the simplicity
This concept born from the understanding of respect and how this can being such a simple action ends up being so complicated to apply, because it is very easy to say that we respects other people but understanding and accepting other points of view is not easy. This is why the concept was born, having two different elements that live together in constant harmony, in a balance which is very delicate and difficult to maintain, but which can be achieved.

This is sought to translate into different geometric patterns which on the one hand are quite complex to the eye and yet are the composition of figures as simple as they are squares and triangles, additionally these patterns are in two colors to show
how seemingly different elements can live in harmony in a space.
First Ideas
The first idea was to make the chocolate tiles and complement them with an tortilla boat, that would be filled with more tortillas bathed in chocolate. The idea of this was to convey the idea that both, corn and chocolate represent the life and the death, showing the perfect balance between these , that can be reached only when we move from one of these to the other. However this was too complex for a concept that is based on simplicity and it was decided to reduce everything to its most basic point, which were chocolate tiles.
The second idea was to take four tiles (two of black chocolate and two of white chocolate) and place them on a base at 45 degrees, with a heater located on the front. It would cause them to mix slowly and show how delicate was the balance in the respect. However this idea was difficult to make this because the heater was very strong and melted the chocolate very quickly or was very weak and didnt cause further alteration in this one. Because this and that the proposal was still very complex for a really simple concept it was decided to reduce it to its Maximum expression and in this way the decision taken was that the tiles without any element were already enough powerful and effective to transmit the concept.
Final Idea
Finally I experimented with other materials such as gelatine. Unlike the chocolates in which the respect was presented by maintaining a balance between the chocolate and the corn tortilla in each tablet, in the gelatin is maintained a balance of two types of flavors of different gelatins (strawberry and lemon) being these totally opposite flavors.
Choco Patterns
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Choco Patterns

Designing an object with an assigned emotion, this object must be made with food and must tell the concept that must be developed, after understa 詳細を表示

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