Oh-on Cosmetics - Balance of fundamental

It looks perfect from a distance, 
but there are many elements hidden inside. 
Oh-on finds the fundamental elements, 
and we fill up the better experiences in them.

1. Background

As molecules gather together to become water,
Many things come together to make a picture.

2. Material board​​​​​​​

3. Shape Motif

In a triangular flask,
Oh-on only condensed the best.

In a triangular flask, which means the spirit of the experiment, 
and the jewel that shines in it, 
Oh-on designed the design with a shape motif of this.

4. Package Image

5. Main Image

2019.08.25 Jang Yeonhee   Thank you : )

Oh-on Cosmetics
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Oh-on Cosmetics

Oh-on Cosmetics - Balance of fundamental It looks perfect from a distance,  but there are many elements hidden inside.  Oh-on finds the fundamen Ver mais

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