Ryan Daughenbaugh's profile

Cubist Eiffel Tower Sculpture

Cubist Eiffel Tower Sculpture
Tasked with creating a 3-dimensional sculpture that is based on a famous Cubist period painting. I searched through a lot of paintings to find inspiration. Where I landed was Robert Delauney's series of Eiffel Tower Cubist Paintings he did. They are fantastically strange and things seem to be somehow abstract and futuristic but also stable and strong. I chose my favorites of the paintings he did and attempted to create an actual structure from his original vision.
Cubist Period Mood Board
Robert Delauney's Eiffel Tower Cubist Paintings - First Image was the final image selected to recreate
Building the cardboard prototype to then be converted into wood
Building the wood sculpture - creating the solid foundation was the hardest part
Finalized wooden sculpture - sanded and ready for paint
Getting ink - the painting process, it's a messy one
Final Cubist Eiffel Tower Sculpture
Side by side - original inspiration next to final Eiffel Tower Sculpture
Cubist Eiffel Tower Sculpture

Cubist Eiffel Tower Sculpture
