Arianne Perez's profile

Graphic Design (Logos, Posters, and Booklets)

Graphic Design
Various Projects - Georgia Institute of Technology and Personal Projects
2015 - Present

Logo/Button Design
(from left to right) Sticker for my Mobile Non-Contact Vital Sign Monitoring senior design group project (Spring 2019); button design for the School of Industrial Design at Georgia Tech, short project for first year ID studio (Fall 2015); logo for the Georgia Tech Filipino Student Association (Spring 2016).

"Bump and Grind" sticker design concepts for my friends. "Bump and Grind" is their saying after they exercise.

Poster Design
Poster design for my Mobile Non-Contact Vital Sign Monitoring senior design group project (Spring 2019)

Informational poster for the ResponseCardNxt 2.0, a project for ID 3103 Introduction to Design Computing I at Georgia Tech (Fall 2016).

Phoetnix Felt shoe promotional poster (left) and look book photoset (right) (Spring 2016).

Spike summary poster (Fall 2015)

Booklet Design
Informational booklet for the ResponseCardNxt 2.0, a project for ID 3103 Introduction to Design Computing I at Georgia Tech (Fall 2016).

Portfolio Cover, ID studio, Georgia Institute of Technology (Spring 2016)

Cover for a research and analysis project on the Munari Ski Boots, a project for first year ID studio at Georgia Tech (Fall 2015).

Pages from a booklet analyzing different forms of design for the "Introduction to the Built Environment" class at Georgia Tech (Fall 2015).
Graphic Design (Logos, Posters, and Booklets)

Graphic Design (Logos, Posters, and Booklets)

My Logo, Poster and Graphic Designs for various projects at Georgia Tech
