scott yan's profile

丰满美学 | Institute of plump aesthetics

丰满美学 - 关注与发现胖体态的美
丰满美学 - 关注与发现胖体态的美。

The Beauty of Fat Body-Full Plump Aesthetics
For a society full of negative energy in the plump body, it is expected to convey the beauty of the plump body group to the public through visual design. Through the positive image communication, people can fully observe the plump body. In a progressive society, the culture of diversity should be respected and the diversity of the body should be respected. I hope that more people in the society will pay attention to the verbal attacks on the plump body. I also hope that the plump body should not be inferior and weak. Every choice should be respected, and each kind of body itself is beautiful.
Plump aesthetics - pay attention to and discover the beauty of plump body.

海报设计 | 数量 | 9张

Poster design | Quantity | Nine
The design of the poster creates a "beauty" visual experience through the typesetting of the font and the image, the symmetry of the picture and the color, highlighting the characteristics of the beauty.

书籍设计 |《一本关于胖体态美的书》

Book design | <Institute of plump Aesthetics>
Through the analysis of historical social forms, the analysis of artistic works, and the positive aesthetics of the plump body that coexist with modern society, through the display of multiple visual languages such as book size, typesetting, binding, color, and fonts, Communicate theplump body to the public.

字体设计| 丰满体

Font design | piump type
For the extraction of plump body features, the expression of "fat" volume, sense of accumulation, smoothness

丰满美学 | Institute of plump aesthetics

丰满美学 | Institute of plump aesthetics

Institute of plump pretty Aesthetics
