Degree's visual set
Collaboration between the singer Degree and the Motion Design students of L'Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique to create a backdrop for a concert as part of the Motion Motion Festival, in Trempolino.
Video produced as part of the Workshop Degree
Participation of Motion Design 18/19 students from L'Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique, Trempolino, the musician Degree and the Motion Motion Festival
Filmed by Studio Volume and Marian Landriève
Directed by Studio Volume
Music by Degree
Sound by Loris Marzatto
Lighting by Jean-François Le Coq
By group of three, we had to create a stage set for the singer Degree during his performance for the Motion Motion festival (2019).
Initially, we focused on the scenography of the stage, taking into account the constraints of the place of the singer's instruments, his gestures on stage, the materials to be used, the transport, the manufacturing and the cost. 

Our group, composed of Martin Dumas, Arlette Thierion and myself, proposed a double screen, cinema format, made in white cyclo on black fabric, maintain by the ceiling by a fastening ring system. Around the singer, we wanted to arrange various neon lights vertically in order to accentuate the singer's gestures and to break with the horizontal shape of the projection screen.
Scenographic plans drawn by Martin Dumas
View from above the scene - Front view of the scene - Front view from the projection screen (behind the singer)
Following the gathering of all the ideas proposed by the Motions students 18/19 of l'Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique, we finally opted for a central LED bar located at the musician's chest, itself in the center of the video projected on a long white tulle hanging from the ceiling.
From a graphism point of view, we chose to use real footage, macroscopy and geometric shapes, in particularly waves. We wanted to add to his music something poetic and dark at the same time. 
First attempts
Thanks to a technique innovated by Martin Dumas, we filmed a spot of light in the dark : and then we "sculpted the light" with transparents sheets which had a particularity ... -sorry to tease you, but we can't reveal you this secret -. After this step, we culled these rushs and we began to set up the videos according to the rythm and the music' signification.

In a second time, we corrected some details such as the grain, the colors and so on. The majority of this work have been done by Martin Dumas.
Final video clips
Composed and performed by Degree
Composed and performed by Degree
After rushs' validation and lasts retouching, we had to project our videos on real scale, in Trempolino. It is at this time, that we realized the difficulty of a concert in live : too much light from the neon, slow down computer and even the offset between the videos and the music. There were a lot of complications we had to resolve.

We had to go out from your comfort zone : we fabricated the scenography - to prove that we are not only geeks -, created and edited all the rushs in four days, and also solved the problems of the live show until the last minutes of the show.
Videos created for the musics Forgetting and Lie by Martin Dumas, Arlette Thierion and Raava
May 2019
Softwares - After Effects and Premiere Pro
Degree's visual set
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Degree's visual set

Collaboration between the singer Degree and the Motion Design students of L'Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique to create a backdrop for a concert 詳細を表示

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