The initial brief of this project, was to choose a local business that can be referred to as a tourist point. This business must be analyzed to understand its current functioning and must generate an innovative proposal to increase business sales.

This project begins with a research that was carried out around “Statua Rota” brewery, located in the neighborhood of Teusaquillo, on the Parkway (Bogotá, Colombia). This establishment is characterized by its craft beer, its relationship with art, and its clients
(mostly tourists) that love beer. They have also been recognized as one of the places to visit in Bogotá, by international media such as The New York Times.

An important feature of this restaurant is that every day the exterior of this one is decorated by one of the owners (Alejandro) who is an artist and of which are all the engravings inside, this gives a special touch to the place.
After understanding the motivations of their audience (which is recognized because they search for an authentic experiences and cultural immersion) the service is considered as the main aspect to change, in terms of innovation. In a first iteration, a space of leisure and interaction between customers and employees in the brewery, where experiences and
knowledge are shared in a pleasant atmosphere, which characterizes the local culture, so it´s ideal for the tourists that are traveling alone or in group.

For this it was decided to create an alliance between several craft breweries in Colombia. They are located in different cities in the country, which are:

                        - "The clock pub" in the city of Cartagena
                        - “Lulo Cafe bar" in the city of Santa Marta
                        - "Madre monte" in the city of Medellin
                        - "Statua Rota" in the city of Bogotá

Desig the experience two main factors were considered, the first was to make innovation through the integration of augmented reality in the bars and on the other hand, to integrate the great environmental diversity that is present throughout the Colombian territory, by the use of endangered animals belonging to the regions where each of the bars is located. All
this, in order to provide a unique experience to the customer and to generate awareness about these animals.
It was developed an application that the customers can download and use so, when they go this places they can scan the cup holders of each place, after doing this you can see on your screen a 3d model of the animal that is in the cup holder and also a short description about the animal. These cup holders change every monthly and are unique on each site.

However these cup holders are souvenirs, which can be taken home and be able to use the app every time you want again, to watch the information of each animal. In addition to the cup holders, other elements were developed for the bars: labels for beers, pins and
shirts. All these elements mentioned above are collectible and also just have to pick up 1 cup holder of each of the bars you can participate for a trip all paid
to the Colombian Amazon.
All the coasters
Other beer tags
All the pins
Birra Collective

Birra Collective

The initial brief of this project, was to choose a local business that can be referred to as a tourist point. This business must be analyzed to u Read More
