Profil appartenant à Vincent Ow

Facets - Imperfections of life

Facets - Imperfections of life
10 Products of Desire
A product designer today has an expanded role in being able to look out for possibilities for innovative product creation. One of the ways of doing so is to understand the availability of raw materials that could be creatively designed into delightful and useful products.

The ideas must then be developed into 10 valuable concepts that forms a designer’s collection/line based on a consistent aesthetic/thematic theme. Each idea will be different from others in function and purpose and demonstrate one of the various layers of potentials of that material like aesthetic qualities, structural qualities, temperature qualities and other values that the designer creative eye could extract
"There are no universal parameters of perfection.
Individuals and cultures choose those values that, for them, represent the ideal of perfection."
Bento box
Chopsticks holder
Tissue box
Salt and pepper shaker
Fruit tray
Night Light
Facets - Imperfections of life
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Facets - Imperfections of life

A product designer today has an expanded role in being able to look out for possibilities for innovative product creation. One of the ways of doi Lire la suite

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