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Alien Animated Illustrations

In this project, I tried for the first time to caloborate with my sister Mathy Kirby.

She drew some fan-arts from the movie franchise ALIEN, then I animated them on After Effect. 
First we did a facial animation of Ripley’s face.
I followed the Anthony Possobon’s tutorial to simulae 3D roation of her face.

Then we had fun trying to do some home screen for a fake video game.
I used Duik Bassel to rig the characters.
We took inspiration from looped animations from League of Legend.
thanks for watching

please have a look at Mathy Kirby's work :

Feel free to share it. Give me your thoughts and feedbacks.

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Alien Animated Illustrations

Alien Animated Illustrations

I animated some of my sister's illustrations, trying to recreate some video game's home screen.
