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Thrashor Designer Vinyl Figure for 8-bit Zombie

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"No one on Eternia knows where THRASHOR came from or what side he is truly on. But rumor has it that Skeletor used his foul magic to bring THRASHOR back from the grave. Skeletor had planned on creating a powerful zombie that he alone could control but THRASHOR's will was stronger than Skeletor had anticipated. THRASHOR shattered Skeletor's controlling spell over him using his prized POWERGLOVE. Making a hasty escape on his skateboard, THRASHOR disappeared into the night and out of Skeletor's clutches for good. 

THRASHOR now roams Eternia in search of clues to who he was and how he died. Never truly living but not truly dead, this tortured soul finds solace only in skating. THRASHOR can sometimes be seen on dark and misty Eternian nights, skating by the glow of the moon..."

We sculpted and produced this incredible 5.5" articulated vinyl figure (and his rad skateboard) for the "We Love All Things Eighties" store 8-bit Zombie. Designed by Ross Dewey and Matt Skiff and sculpted by Scott Wetterschneider, Thrashor takes no prisoners.
Thrashor Designer Vinyl Figure for 8-bit Zombie


Thrashor Designer Vinyl Figure for 8-bit Zombie

Rad Designer Vinyl Figure "Thrashor" for 8-bit Zombie



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