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SplineOffset For 3ds Max | IToo Software

SplineOffset For 3ds Max | IToo Software

SplineOffset is a modifier for 3ds Max that creates multiple clones of splines with the option to incrementally increase or decrease offset, translation, and rotation. In many ways it is similar to 3ds Max’s built-in array tool combined with a spline offset function, but with two major benefits: Firstly SplineOffset is fully parametric so you can change the number of clones, the size of the offsets, and their distribution at any time. Secondly, SplineOffset is able to heal overlapping splines so that they form one continuous path, a feature that’s missing from Max and opens up the plugin to a huge range of applications.

Download SplineOffset For 3ds Max here:

SplineOffset For 3ds Max | IToo Software

SplineOffset For 3ds Max | IToo Software

