Feel is an editorial project containing three different books, each one exploring the word feel in a different approach (illustration, typography and photography). 

3 books, 3 different ways of feeling

feel #1
24 feelings a day
size: 145 x 180 mm

The book contains 24 illustrations representing idiomatics expressions in a very straightforward way. The book works as a game in which the reader have to guess the idiomatic expression of each illustration. The answer is hidden inside the fold.
The cover features 24 rectangles with the same palette of the illustrations as to represent the 24 different feelings illustrated inside the book. Not having any illustration on the cover was a way of not giving too much away, making the reader want to flip through the pages.

feel #2
beautiful words for obscure emotions
size: 100 x 55 mm

With over one million words in the English language, sometimes we simply feel more than we can articulate into senteces. A lot of times we are left in the dark. Because of this lack of adequate vocabulary, John Koenig created the website The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows with words he invented for emotions we’ve probably felt but couldn’t explain.

All words in this dictionary are new. They were not necessarily intended to be used in conversation, but to exist for their own sake; to give a semblance of order to a dark continent, so you can settle it yourself on your own terms, without feeling too lost — safe in the knowledge that we’re all lost. – John Koenig

The book looks like a swatch palette, but with a colletion of words instead of colors. It has 4 different colors of papers, it means that every time a new letter appears, we have a different color. Because of the title of the book, there’s a contrast of the front and back of the page, to play with the duality colored/black  and beautiful/obscure of the title.

n. the desire that memory could flow backward. We take it for granted that life moves forward. But you move as a rower moves, facing backwards: you can see where you’ve been, but not where you’re going. And your boat is steered by a younger version of you. It’s hard not to wonder what life would be like facing the other way.

feel #3
toco sinto vivo
size: 200 x 265 mm

Alguns dias se passam sem que eu sinta nada.
Minha pele acostumada, gasta como um calo, me aprisiona numa casca.
Eu toco sem sentir, olho sem ver, vejo sem viver.

Alguns dias se passam e eu sinto demais.
Texturas, cores, formas que não sei o nome.
Me perco no caleidoscópio do toque, da memória, do sentir.
Mas me perco pra me achar, desprotegida da minha cápsula protetora.
Pois sei que é melhor ser frágil que dormente.
Mesmo que quebradiça, sei que assim sou mais resistente.

“Toco sinto vivo” is a textured diary, it combines pictures of every object I touched during one day with a very personal text about what it is to lose yourself in your emotions as a way to find yourself. The book works also as a mapping, with information of time and place of each photo, and different paper sizes matching the real size proportion of the object.

The book proposes to the reader a unusual reading experience by flipping the different sizes pages and noticing the possible combinations and the colors and shapes of objects (“Texturas, cores, formas que não sei o nome. Me perco no caleidoscópio do toque, da memória, do sentir” – to quote the text). The book also tries to show how everyday life objects can be seen in a different perspective, by the touch.




3 books, 3 ways of feeling.
