Profil appartenant à Sven Buyle

Summer at the University

The Hof van Liere, one of the most iconic and recognisable locations on our campus. It is here that, in the early spring days, you will find dozens of students enjoying the first sunrays of the year during lunch time, escaping from their books which are awaiting in the library behind.
De waterverkoper (The water salesman) by Philip Aguirre Y Otegui, one of the many art peaces on our campus. Diligently he stands, day after day, watching over the Antwerp student neighbourhood, while students pass by heading to their classes; barely noticing his beauty.
It has a special feeling to wander through an empty aula on a summer morning. One would expect to meet a passionate professor preaching his insights in his subject to his students. One would expect the seats to be filled with driven Bachelors, torturing their brains and pens or laptops in an attempt to keep up with the professor's speech; lost in the trouble of trying to grasp something of the subject of todays class. But instead, one just gets lost in silence.
The further in your academic career, the smaller the student groups and the rooms become. According to what is mentioned on the door, this room was last used by the advanced master students from C-MAT for the air transport pricing course.
Corridors, a University has many. This particular one is the B4 corridor. It's the home of the Faculty's departement of transport and regional economics and along side of it, I spend most of my days. During the academic year one can find here professors discussing the department and faculty strategy; thesis students nervously heading to a meeting with their supervisors; PhD assistants discussing their research, conference and weekend plans over hot coffee. Between all the hassle one also finds our department secretary doing her outmost best to help us out with our administration, and who supplies us with the necessary sweets and coffee. During summer however, this corridor is often feels empty, filled with silence in a way that it becomes a little bit creepy.
Art on the campus can be found in different forms. Not only in statues and paintings, but also in literature and architecture. This small sentence can be found on the courtyard of the library, above the door to the B and C building. I cannot really say what it is, but it has something mysterious to it.
The series started at the Hof van Liere and we will also end there. Just because I like the Hogwarts spirit of this gallery. Yes even after the eight years that I have been around here, I still feel privileged to work and study in such a beautiful historic environment.
Summer at the University
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Summer at the University

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