Tenanan VOL. 01 - Pengangguran

Illustration : M Alif Prihambodo & Rian Kuncoro Jati
Tenanan originated from two young men who enjoy and cultivate illustrations. At one time the two young men are cool to play games on laptop to fill their spare time after graduation. In the middle of the game, the two young men implied an idea that was interesting enough for them. The idea is to create new workplaces in addition to digital media in the form of a cool zine but still look serious to fill the spare time while looking for work, before getting a job. These two young men were immediately excited and impatient to create the zine. To be able to make it look better from the other side than their illustrative understanding, these two young men then invite another young man who said he is good at typography in class.​​​​​​​
The main theme on volume 1 is about unemployment. Unemployment is a term for "people not working at all, looking for work, working less than two days a week, or someone trying to get a decent job for themselves or their families." We task in making this zine is to illustrate the activities of a boy after graduating from college.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Tenanan VOL. 01 - Pengangguran