ARBOR which means «tree» in Latin is a range of products in cork.
The first product of the range is a little desk for nowadays living areas.
The risen part is a support / dock / pinboard and a container for all of your personal stuff. This is the only part in molded cork. Legs and the top hood are in oak wood.
The user takes a part of design choosing what he wants to do with it.
Using the same shape, ARBOR is also an extra container to put on tables, cupboards, shelves, etc ...
It’s available in different colors using colored stain - same as wood, light enough to still see the cork texture through it.
A smaller product, more affordable.
Finally, ARBOR is also a simple shelf with a strong identity.
It still has a container with a hood inside the shelf to hide personal belongings, to present trinkets or ornaments.


ARBOR which means «tree» in Latin is a range of products in cork. A little desk / console, a container / dock and a shelf.
