Mazowe Valley
Mazowe Valley is a diversified startup horticulture and apiculture business that commissioned me to develop a brand identity as well as packaging for their export line.
Kitchen Kings Spices
Kitchen Food Pvt. Ltd. is a new business entity seeking to enter the market with a value for money product. I was tasked with creating the brand and a visual language for the packaging that would stand toe-to-toe with the biggest brands on the market.
Mama's (Associated Foods Zimbabwe)
Mama's is a leading brand in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. Over the years the client has commissioned me to design packaging for several of their concept products such as corn flakes, snacks and peanut butter.
Sweet Maungwe
Sweet Maungwe Honey is a legacy client with with a wide range of Honey and apiculture-based products. After having handled numerous designs of their international exhibitions, the client and I embarked on a comprehensive re-design of all they product lines to exhibit a more polished look as they explored European export markets.
A chance encounter with the owner of the Tulimara brand inspired an exploration of packaging possibilities for their products. The idea was to enhance the Tulimara brand by giving is a premium and polished look while still keeping the organic character of the brand. 


