Shockheaded Peter - Der Struwwelpeter (1845)
Secret reading - Created with Manga Studio
Little scratching - Created with AZ Drawing
A night at the burlesque - Created with AZ Drawing
Experiment made with the software Alchemy and finished with AZ Drawing
Experiment made with the software Alchemy and finished with AZ Drawing
Experiment made with the software Alchemy and finished with AZ Drawing
Experiment made with the software Alchemy and finished with AZ Drawing and Photoshop
Experiment made with the software Alchemy and finished with AZ Drawing and Photoshop
Experiment made with the software Alchemy and finished with AZ Drawing and Photoshop
Black & White

Black & White

Some black & white experiments and drawings created with different tools like: Alchemy, AZ Drawing, Manga Studio and Photoshop
