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Called to Rise: Chinese Americans in CBI

Interview of George Wong, World War II veteran, and Connie Young Yu, daughter of Col. John C. Young. 
Video edited by Lenora Lee.
Called to Rise: Chinese Americans in CBI
Presented by Chinese Historical Society of America and Asian Improv Arts, in collaboration with Golden Gate National Parks Conservancey & API Cultural Center
Exhibited 2016 at Fort Point, San Francisco, California

Called to Rise is an educational traveling exhibit commemorating the 75th anniversary of the start of World War II, and exploring Chinese American participation in the China Burma India (CBI) Theater. Moreover, it is part of the larger story of how Chinese Americans, along with so many communities of color and women, contributed to the defeat of fascism abroad and to a new phase in the struggle for civil rights and social justice here at home. Chinese Americans who lived through the period remember it proudly as a turning point in their empowerment in our society and participation to the fullest in a double victory.

The project was led by historian & CHSA Board Emeritus Connie Young Yu, and Francis Wong and Lenora Lee of Asian Improv Arts. The exhibit featured photos from Yu’s of her father and uncle who both fought in the war, as well as photos from Wong’s father George Wong who is a living World War II veteran.

The panels were designed and produced on a tight 3-week schedule and opened in May 2016 at Fort Point, San Francisco. The six panels were designed and produced on retractable banners, with alternating red and blue patriotic colors and bold fonts that saluted the gritty heroism of Chinese Americans of the “Greatest Generation.” Since the exhibition was displayed in a non-ADA accessible room at Fort Point, a companion 11"x17" booklet of the panels was created to make the display accessible. 
Called to Rise: Chinese Americans in CBI

Called to Rise: Chinese Americans in CBI

An educational traveling exhibit exploring Chinese American participation in the China Burma India (CBI) Theater of World War II
