The point of no return. global warming

The point
of no

Global warming is the biggest 
threat we face on Earth.
By the end of the century the 
world might change absolutely.

The main aim of this project is 
to inform or even to warn people 
that we can save THE world from
changes, but once these changes
might become irreversible.

Just imagine that all the animals
are no longer alive?

What if all the nature creatures
No cute puppies and lovely cats, no 
funny slothes and wise turtles - just 
cold plastic toys pretending to be a 
part of Earth’s ecosystem.

Where and how?
Posters are emphasizing on the acutely ssocial 
warming through flashy slogans and pictures.

Posters have better influence if they are 
situated in crowdy places.
We advise to place several posters in a row.

The point
of no

It’s high time for us to rethink our 
way of leaving.

If we want this planet to be the best 
place for living - let’s take care of it.

And please think small: even a small
step towards being a bit more eco, 
a bit more loving and a bit more 
mindful is a huge deed which might
once save this world.​​​​​​​

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The point of no return. global warming

The point of no return. global warming
