I decided to photograph and document the street near Dairy Cross, Yelahanka. I took inspiration from great contemporary street photographers like Eric Kim, Paul Bence and Stan Raucher, who are all working with street portraiture, my main field of interest. Moreover, I have always been inspired by classic street specialists like Henri-Cartier Bresson, Robert Frank and so on.
My interest in street photography grew when I realised the importance of street photography lies in the raw nature of its subjects. I have observed that normally people put on various masks to conceal their real identity due to fear of judgement. But street photography can break these barriers and help portray their true selves.
Throughout this two week period, I have frequently visited this street, at almost all times of the day and clicked hundreds of photographs. This has really helped me understand the place, at its core. I really saw how a street has so much going on while we walk by everyday, unaware and indifferent. This series is made out of my explorations and observations.

Photographed in Yelahanka, Bangalore India in 2019
Canon EOS 700D, 50mm f1.8 Prime
Edited & Processed in Adobe Lightroom CC

Street Duets


Street Duets
