Todd Rice 님의 프로필

Sonicare _Logo + Package design

Brand Design, Packaging, Logo design
During my time at Philips Design, I had the opportunity to help develop the Sonicare brand, by creating the Philips Sonicare logo. 

At the time, I was Art Director at Philips and during the revamp of the package design for the Sonicare toothbrushes, there was a company wide request for an updated logo, which would be used for the new packaging. 

This was my design and the same Sonicare logo is still used as the mark for everything promoting the product.
Sonicare _Logo + Package design

Sonicare _Logo + Package design

During my time at Philips Design, I had the opportunity to help develop the Sonicare brand, by creating the Philips Sonicare logo. At the time, 자세히 보기


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