Profilo di Jan Stellmach

Social competence since 1958

Social competence since 1958
The Task
A modern appearance for a club with a long history, and immediate charitable, and benevolent purpose. Special challenges here were a nationwide frame design, an existing design on site, and the budget.
The Result
A refresher of the entire appearance on the basis of an independent corporate design guideline. The development of an own label as a quality feature, and a modern and up-to-date Internet presence.
The Social Service of Catholic Women e.V.
The SkF is an association of Catholic women dedicated to providing assistance to socially vulnerable children, adolescents, women, and families as a women’s, and trade association.
The association is based on the principles of volunteering, and the interaction of full-time, and honorary club workers. They fulfill their laic apostolic task in church, state, and society in the sense of Christian Caritas and Catholic doctrine.
The SkF pursues exclusively, and directly charitable, and benevolent purposes. The cooperation of full-time, and voluntary employees is an important part of the work. The complexity of today’s needs requires correspondingly differentiated help. Therefore, the association is involved in many areas of youth, and social assistance.
An enormous challenge to the uniform appearance of a company, are grown structures. At a non-profit organization like the SkF in Alsdorf, many web resources have been developed over the years under their own direction or with changing partners. That does not stop at a story that goes back 60 years.

So the first step was an inventory. Which media to use?Which formats make sense? And what is the demand today?

The foundation for all further steps then forms the definition of appearance in the corporate design guidelines. It includes the logo in all variations, colors, typography, and imagery as well as print media, and advertising material.

The complexity of today’s needs requires correspondingly differentiated help.
The internet presence is tidy, clearly structured, and informative. Here you will find information, and contact persons for all projects.

The social competence, and the unique feature of the long history, is expressed by the label “social competence since 1958”.
With the move to the Schaufenberger Str. In Alsdorf we were also able to face an unusual, and new challenge. The design of a facade in corporate design.
The Effect
The social service of Catholic women in Alsdorf celebrated its 60th anniversary on 25th September 2018. At this time, the SkF was, and is up to date and uniform. With a modern Internet presence, unified print media, and based on a newly defined corporate design guide.

Our Services
Consulting & Conception | Analysis & Strategy | Corporate Design ReFresh | CD Guide | Web Design | Graphic Design | Physical Advertising | Photography
Social competence since 1958

Progetto creato per

Social competence since 1958

Ein modernes Erscheinungsbild für einen Verein mit langer Geschichte und unmittelbar gemeinnützigem und mildtätigen Zweck. Besondere Herausforder Leggi di più
