Let me tell you about one cool dude, who turn his hobby into his favorite job.

As a child, he dreamed of traveling around the world and film videos about nature. Others thought that he will grow and forget about it, but not. He's graduated as a biologist, learned to shoot timelaps, and then he got a work in Nature TV.

Travels, trips, different countries - his dream come true. He shooting material for famous "Dialogues about Animals" show with a very popular host. Ilya watched his programs as a child, and now began to shoot a program for him.

Right now he is working on a new project about mushrooms, creating improvised "natural" homestudio set with a cool light, to get a very realistic "like-in-the-woods" invironment.

By the way, the mushroom on the last photo is a unique "Veselka". It is listed in the Guinness book of records as the fastest growing mushroom in the world - due to its structure, the speed can reach up to one and a half centimeters per minute. 

That's mean you can literally see by your eyes how the fungus grows in real time.

The Biologist

The Biologist


Creative Fields