Ben Davies's profile

Ben Davies Portfolio

Ben Davies Portfolio
Short film: Snapped
Short film that I directed and filmed. I edited this on Premiere Pro CC as I demonstrate a high level of editing and special effects I have refined over the years.

I worked on this action films where you need a very steady hand and i've learnt to use camera accessories like glide cams, drones and camera sliders as they help to reach a pinnacle in film making.
News Show
News show which I directed and edited. I used a green screen and make shift lighting. I edited this on adobe Premiere Pro CC and I filmed this entirely on a Cannon 600D
Clothing Brand: Interceptor 
My new clothing brand “interceptor” which I have been designing clothes on Adobe Illustrator for and creating promotional videos on Premier for. I have managed to sell just over 30 T-Shirts from my first ever clothing line through marketing on social media and promotional videos.
Product Photography: I do all the product photography using the industry standard lighting and I use my theoretical knowledge to come up with descriptions to market the products suitably.
I also do media in the print form as I create flyers on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to promote events that are happening. 
As well as working on short films and other forms of media I love to create skateboarding videos as I enjoy the whole process of being on set outside and I am very patient which allows the people i'm filming a long time to land there trick. Skateboarding is an extremely fast paced thing to film which has allowed my camera work to improve and skateboarding has taught me to use the aid of drones, glide cams and sliders as they help to reach a pinnacle in film making.
Ben Davies Portfolio

Ben Davies Portfolio
