Austin Davis 的個人檔案

Jet Fit Brand Identity Design


Jet Fit offers one-on-one, group, and team physical wellness consultation. They promote healthy living, in and outside the office, with plans tailored to help meet individual wellness goals.

Laying the Foundation

The process begins by distilling an idea to its base components. A visual library begins to form  and attributes of each component are extracted to construct the foundation of the logo.

Designer's Notes: There were a few early iterations for this logo mark that featured a 20 degree horizontal shear, similar to italics in text, to represent forward progress. The issue was that some of the mark's strength was lost due to an imbalance in the vertical stress - it felt like the mark could topple if pushed. I revised and instead used a 20 degree vertical shear that served as both a movement of forward and upward progression.

Typography Exploration

Finding the right typeface is crucial when developing a strong brand identity. With a short cap-height and wide, bold characters, Pragmatica Extended offered a great base to evolve from.

Designer's Notes: Typeface is a vital part of conveying tone. Sometimes finding the right typeface for a project proves impossible, and a whole new typeface must be created. In this case, Pragmatica Extended almost perfectly embodies the tone of Jet Fit; only a few adjustments were needed to make it truly work.

Adjusting the Font

Designer's Notes: One major adjustment was unrolling the tail on the "J" to fit the aesthetic of the brand. On an earlier iteration I also removed the joint radius of the “J,” but it ended up looking too much like a backwards “L”. Other minor edits included kerning for even spacing between characters and adjusting the height and width of the arms on the "E," "F," and "T" for visual alignment, balance, and tone.


This crucial stage involves confirming that all measurements and alignments are correct and the logo is visually balanced.

Designer’s Notes: I like to use a grid that is based on certain aspects of the logo. In this case, I used the cap-height of the font to determine the distance between the type and the mark, as well as the ideal white-space around the logo.


Color has a lot of significance and psychological impact that plays an integral part in setting the visual tone of a brand.

Designer's Notes: I knew from the start I wanted orange for energy, blue for science and trust, and black for the high contrast boldness. Finding the right shades of these colors was nearly impossible. However, after much exploration and minute alterations, I landed on a color palette that completely embodies the visual tone I was trying to captivate with Jet Fit.

Let it breathe

Good design can stand on its own; give it room to breathe.
"Music is the space between the notes". - Claude Debussy

Now... does it scale?

Legibility and aesthetics are important factors when considering the variety of logo implementations. A good logo will be readable and attractive at all sizes. 

Designer’s Notes: A common issue with bold typefaces is the loss of definition at small sizes. Characters and shapes seem to fuse together and become illegible and/or unappealing; to prevent this, the Jet Fit logo affords a generous amount of negative space between characters and shapes.

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Jet Fit Brand Identity Design

Jet Fit Brand Identity Design

Brand identity design for Jet Fit, a corporate wellness consultancy. Thank you to Jet Fit for allowing me to create a visual identity for you!
